
I was born into the whole "car thing", with two automobile-loving parents. My earliest memories are of cars, from working on them with my father to keep them running, to strolling shows and cruises, dreaming of one day building our own. My memories are so conditioned to a car-centric method of cataloging events, that I organize those events by what car we had at what time... It's a sickness, but the benefits of such memories is priceless.
I grew up with dreams of becoming an engineer, and even started schooling, looking to become a designer for one of the big three, but soon found my way into the Fine Art side of things, honing my skills in drawing and painting. It was finding the combination of Engineering and Fine Art where I found my niche. My schooling came from small schools... No marquee Universities... I began my Fine art Training at a small, private Arts school, moving on to a four-year College, and finally heading back to school in my mid-twenties, where I learned the digital side of the craft.
This later training has proven invaluable, as I have slowly lost the use of both hands, the result of a degenerative nerve and muscle disorder. I continue to work even harder, and hope that I may serve as an inspiration to others afflicted with similar conditions, and continue to find creative solutions to the set-backs that pop up during the work day.
My jobs growing-up were almost exclusively automotive-related, from humble days sweeping the floors, detailing cars, selling auto parts, working in collision shops and so-on. It was these experiences, combined with my passion for hot rods and custom cars that led to my present career as a hot rod designer. Drawing on my experience in building cars, I create designs for projects, and apply my knowledge of fabrication and engineering to ensure that what gets drawn gets built as well. I try to incorporate a love for form and balance with an understanding of the vehicle structure, and plan each modification and change according to both of these, all while keeping in mind the technical and fabrication abilities of the builder(s) involved.
I'm fortunate to have a great, understanding wife who shares my passion in life for cars and art, and have been blessed with three sons, all of whom are certified car nuts. Between cars and a fanatical devotion to the sport of Hockey, we keep very busy and active as a family.
I've worked tirelessly for over a decade to create a unique look for my work, combining traditional, hand-drawn methods with modern, digital techniques, and have been fortunate to work with the top shops and builders in the country, as well as providing design guidance for some tremendously talented private builders as well. I have had the pleasure of making friends with many talented and skilled builders, artists and photographers, and continue to be inspired by the vision all of these different people bring to their work and the industry. Along the way, I've been granted the opportunity to work on award-winning hot rods and custom cars, and witnessed both the sacrifices and glory that come part and parcel with this dynamic hobby and industry.
You can learn more on my website, and I encourage you to join our mailing list and receive our e-newsletter, which is loaded with tutorials, sneak peeks and more.
I grew up with dreams of becoming an engineer, and even started schooling, looking to become a designer for one of the big three, but soon found my way into the Fine Art side of things, honing my skills in drawing and painting. It was finding the combination of Engineering and Fine Art where I found my niche. My schooling came from small schools... No marquee Universities... I began my Fine art Training at a small, private Arts school, moving on to a four-year College, and finally heading back to school in my mid-twenties, where I learned the digital side of the craft.
This later training has proven invaluable, as I have slowly lost the use of both hands, the result of a degenerative nerve and muscle disorder. I continue to work even harder, and hope that I may serve as an inspiration to others afflicted with similar conditions, and continue to find creative solutions to the set-backs that pop up during the work day.
My jobs growing-up were almost exclusively automotive-related, from humble days sweeping the floors, detailing cars, selling auto parts, working in collision shops and so-on. It was these experiences, combined with my passion for hot rods and custom cars that led to my present career as a hot rod designer. Drawing on my experience in building cars, I create designs for projects, and apply my knowledge of fabrication and engineering to ensure that what gets drawn gets built as well. I try to incorporate a love for form and balance with an understanding of the vehicle structure, and plan each modification and change according to both of these, all while keeping in mind the technical and fabrication abilities of the builder(s) involved.
I'm fortunate to have a great, understanding wife who shares my passion in life for cars and art, and have been blessed with three sons, all of whom are certified car nuts. Between cars and a fanatical devotion to the sport of Hockey, we keep very busy and active as a family.
I've worked tirelessly for over a decade to create a unique look for my work, combining traditional, hand-drawn methods with modern, digital techniques, and have been fortunate to work with the top shops and builders in the country, as well as providing design guidance for some tremendously talented private builders as well. I have had the pleasure of making friends with many talented and skilled builders, artists and photographers, and continue to be inspired by the vision all of these different people bring to their work and the industry. Along the way, I've been granted the opportunity to work on award-winning hot rods and custom cars, and witnessed both the sacrifices and glory that come part and parcel with this dynamic hobby and industry.
You can learn more on my website, and I encourage you to join our mailing list and receive our e-newsletter, which is loaded with tutorials, sneak peeks and more.